About the pictures
This thing is really beginning to look like fun and I'm ready to begin becoming serious, I think. I just figured out how to post the pictures, obviously, and it was a bit difficult to figure out. it requires another program, the blog site recommends, and I got through with it. I am really beginning to wonder how long this will be free, or how much memory it will allow me to have. I must say that I'm enjoying it thoroughly in the mean time! It's super. The hawk picture is of a super nice young lady and I had the pleasure of going to a meeting at her house, where I met her hawk! I can't get over the picture!
On the same day I got the cycling picture of my cousin, Lavora, who just bought a motorcycle of her own! Another most amazing surprise. May I mention that she doesn't look a day over 21, does she! The fact is that she was key to my survival in high school! Don't do the math to figure out Lavora's age! :)
Both of those pictures tickle me no end! So, I just had to do my best to throw myself in with them! I know I don't make it, but I can make believe, can't I?
Well, now you can look forward to more blogging!
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