
Alexander Pope, Today's entry

I'm not sure if this link will work, but the poems I'm refering to are comments in the following topic:

Make sure you read the comments, even if it takes longer

I did go through the work to find out that the first poem is by Pope, and the second, also "An Essey to Criticism" part 3. There is so much literature out there that it's easy to get lost. I did recognize this to be among the best, though, which made it worth the work to track down. There is enough in these two short poems to spend infinity to digest.

"The Learn'd reflect on what before they knew:" -- Pope

Yes, indeed, someone here that isn't one's normal neighbor, ideed! I haven't slept or eaten now in six days, and I'm thinking of catching a taxi and going to the Ile de France to see what might show up.

I found one myself which I might say is worth spending time with.

Fools! who into the notion fall,
That vice or virtue there is none at all.
If white and black blend, soften, and unite
A thousand ways, is there no black or white?
--Alexander Pope--

And don't forget the Bush quotes I've been adding to my e-mail signature lately.

I'm watching R. Strauss' Rosencavelier tonight, but tomorrow I think I shall explain Facet's of Chicago's video rental system.


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