To Vicomte de Chagny
Vicomte de Chagny? Am I writing to you? A story, interesting to me, is that your name popped up on the blog (link below) And I just had to do a Google Search, and I found the most interesting things! How your name popped up on my brand new blog is a real mystery to me, but I am most pleased and honored that it did! I shall leave it there as an honor! I still havn’t posted anything on opera, but I must do that! I did just put up a pretty neat (I think) comment on Art, but I don’t know where the Opera came from! I did live in Chicago for 30 years and have seen many an opera there, and really miss culture up here in the north woods. I love my nature here, but I really miss Chicago at times.
Again, I am most honored to write to you and I would be thrilled to learn about this great mystery!
Sincerely, Tom Kufahl
my plan is to neither sleep nor eat until I read every word of the google search. This should take several years, I believe. I did say that is my plan. I didn't say that's what I'll do. I think I'll take a nap and have lunch before I get started.
"A ghost," he said, "who, on the same evening, carries off an opera-singer and steals twenty-thousand francs is a ghost who must have his hands very full! If you don't mind, we will take the questions in order. The singer first, the twenty-thousand francs after. Come, M. de Chagny, let us try to talk seriously. You believe that Mlle. Christine Daae has been carried off by an individual called Erik. Do you know this person? Have you seen him?"
Aw.....c'mon, Tom. You should be honored to have le Comte Philippe de Chagny address your blog. After all, isn't that what these are for? He is at least the 26th generation of the de Chagny line and well heeled. Rumor has it he owns the Ile de France and other choice pieces of real estate, many of which have castles on the property. And those are not CASTLES IN SPAIN, either.
Vicomtessa Antoinetta de la Boneparta
Yikes, if the post was removed by the author, it must have been very interesting!
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