Am I talking about Cycles Here?
I'm thinking that, like sleeping and waking, summer and winter, living and dying, Moon phases, etc. etc.. Etc. There are cycles and cycles and cycles and cycles. It wouldn't be so good to be hauling hay when you should be sleeping. As I would say that I had a burst of creative energy around the time that I started this blog, maybe intensified by darn ol Still's disease (compared to others with more energy) I felt quite like the guy who's plodding along the last 2-3 days. All is going well, it's just time to plod along to get enough done for the next cycle phase. Without getting the work done, a creative phase would result in nothing. Good things have happened these days (not that that's always true) but still the feeling is of plodding along. It seems especially hard to study at those times, and it seems very hard to notice that I'm learning. I just remembered that's probably the reason that my hero's have told me that it's important to have a daily study routine. I basically have followed that during my lifetime. I can look back (one of the good things of old age) and say that I've done pretty well. Not exemplary, but at least well. Maybe sometimes a bit exemplary, hehe. Lots of action on the Crawly blog.
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