
Why my Downer Won't Last

I can say that writing the past few posts is only a short downer, is one among several reasons for toting study. Reading and Study are among the most pleasurable activities a human can engage in. Sorry, animals not included here. Even Mortimer Adler, my hero, told of thinking he was at the end of his rope (I remember that's a direct quote). He said it turned out to be absolutely false, the he was just fine.

Anyway, I believe that I've looked enough at my downer, got through with it, but will leave it on the blog for others to think about and learn from. Only rarely do I allow myself to think through that, as I know the way out, All the great masters know about the problem and have more advice and ideas than you could ever want. I think it's very close to what Liberal Arts are about. There is lots of company! I suppose it's too bad that they are invisible, but that's plenty good enough for me!

This downer is completely different than depression, I should say. This comes from merely a realization that things aren't the way we think they should be, but that fixing it doesn't look anyway possible. It's familiar to everyone to at least some degree. There are hundreds and hundreds of ways to get over it, but the best of all these ways is by learning from Great Writers, the best of which are stable and classical. You can see their names on the cover of Great Books or with a Google search of "Great Books".

See you tomorrow with a new attitude. Wait a moment. I'll not see you, my invisible audience. My attitude will be new, but I don't know what it will be yet. Let's seeeee.....


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