This Developing Blog
I've always studied, and now that I'm retired, I'm studying all the more. Generally speaking, this is a secret from most of the people I know, and it rarely or almost never fits into the conversations I have. In spite of, or because of this, I have had a flash of insight this morning that, as I'm writing to an invisible audience, where would there be a better place than this blog to work on these things. After all, invisible does not mean nonexistent!
Right after this flash of insight, I changed the title to Tom's Studies and Commentaries, and that has been happening all along. It made me feel happy to realize it and to change the title once again.
I think that this is a most happy development for me. I also repeat that I shall try to change past posts as well as make new ones. I expect to keep cleaning up the past as well as the future.
It looks like this will become a better and better place for me and my invisible audience!
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