
Britannica's 10 Parts

This topic has gotten too long and too difficult to make digestible, even to me.

I deleted it. Let me just say that the 10 parts have gone through constant change even with its self. Once a chunk of knowledge gets too big, it's got to be unweildy. Still, its the best way to become well rounded, and I do use it to decide my topics (as I have just done with the endocrin system, part of the human body and health. I was frustered with science and nature, and have just now discovered that it's fascinating. In the book version there are 10 introductions which I think to be some of the best stuff I've ever read as eye openers. Those intros would be the best place for you to start. Maybe I should write to Britannica about that. I wrote them to tell theim that their Still's Disease article is inaccurate, but I don't think they still fixed it. They just say that they will pass it on to whoever. I don't think they're interested in Still's disease. I'd rather they just delete the article. Hey, let me look for it...

See? there it is, and it's not accurate. I think I'll tell the group, too.

rheumatoid arthritis in children. The major difference between this illness and rheumatoid arthritis in adults is its effect on the rate of bone growth. Deformities of the spine are typical in Still's disease. Medication and physical therapy coupled with rest and orthopedic appliances often prevent crippling defects in the bone structure.


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