Moving Along, Britannica 2005, The Brain, Philip Glass
I just mentioned that Britannica Has a Knowledge Navigator, and that it began with Mortimer Adler's Propaedia and has undergone changes again and again? Well, I just bought Britannica 2005 today, and it's now called a Knowledge base. It still has the 10 top parts, but It works very differently. It's called Brainstorming. I have no idea at the moment, and am not thinking about what I will do with it.
The brain, brainstorming program can be bought for personal use, and I intend to purchase it, also, for my own brain. Very interesting. I believe it's worth a separate entry.
Also, my five Philip Glass movies came today. They are so unique that I'm not sure what to call them. Movies, Music, Performance, new Medium. That's definitely worth a separate entry in fact, it's sure to bring about a number of entries.
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