
I Forgot to Mention

I just noticed that the last few entries don't mention the source of my recent struggles. A best friend of mine is indeed moving to Canada, Southern Ontario, and this has caused an upheaval in my thought. Could I move to Canada? Surely it would have to be after November, because of the importance of voting, then winter would be here, but what about next spring? I fear there would be too many problems. Insurance for an implant? All the money and love I've put into my little house? My love of the natural items in the area? I think that's enough to stop me, but if I'm tempted to think about it before next spring or after, I shall not try to stop myself.


At September 17, 2004 at 11:22 PM, Blogger Tom Kufahl said...

You certainly are good looking, and not one bit too fat.

At September 30, 2004 at 9:12 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Hey Tom

While you would be a welcome addition to any country, I don't suppose you could get into Canada any easier that I could get into America. If nothing else, we're both too old to be desirable -- on many levels probably. lol

And weather-wise, you probably have a colder winter that we do in Southern Ontario, so consider yourself a semi-Canadian.

While travelling home from ALberta several summers ago, I crossed into Montana and stopped at a little store. I said we were going to Canada. She said, "So you're going north to Canada."

I said, "No, I'm going south to Canada." Well that just didn't compute for the poor girl, but it's true.

Be well.


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