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I continue to be quite certain that my audience is invisible, and I find myself writing more and more about the things I really think about. I continue to think that I should talk about these things, and wonder what it's like for those who dominate conversations, especially with ideas which aren't so especially valuable. Unfortunately, I am sometimes feeling sorry for myself. I just softened my e-mail signature, which now reads...
Before Bush fraudulently (his fraudulency) manipulated what did not belong to him, I only viscerally hated him. (I have a computer, you know, which is quite different than having a TV). Since the AirAmerica radio station went on air, this has properly blossomed into a quiet, seething rage. However, seeing the fahrenheit movie has furthered this into a louder, more explosive rage, I'm aware. I suppose I can continue to keep my mouth shut, but it will be much tougher than it was..
I must admit that telling people to avoid seeing me until the middle of November was just a tad extreme :-) tomorrow is the party with Michael Moore, and I just may discuss
Blame the Dragon Dictation program -- ride with a glide -- Segway, my signatures if there is time.
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