Change of Study Plans for This Week Already -Something More Interesting
I just rented Philip Glass' Satyagraha and had to look up the word to spell it. ---Waaaayyy out there. The seriousness of the music and the beauty of the text makes me want to figure out Ajuna/sp, Krishna/sp. etc. I have no idea what the text is. Do you? I would bet Indian (India Indian) Hindu? Let me snoop. So much more fun that recreation, much less sports.
Here we go... (Hindi: Âtruth forceÂ), philosophy introduced in the 20th century by Mahatma Gandhi of India; in practice, it is manifested as a determined but nonviolent resistance to some specific evil. Satyagraha was the guiding philosophy for the Indian people in their fight against British imperialism and has been adopted by protest groups in other countries.
Cool! No, Much more than that! Fantasic? I think much more than that. Related to civil disobedience, right up my natural ally! Some day I hope a human will read here. I would not count on it, though! Ever never no one ever never. Now should I be angry about that or compassionate about that. Well, if God could get angry (he was all the time in the oltestamentnt we read (not the real thing) so if God can be angry all the time, maybe I can be angry sometimes!
Let me read a bit more.
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