This Week's Studies, Last weeks Report
4. Regarding Economics and Money
5. There are people who think that economics is not a science. People who believe that The argument is that human behavior is to abstract to be a science. There are many times the number of economists today than any previous time in history, and many times increase in kinds of economic studies.
6. Socioeconomic issues. Hyphen Standard of Living, cost of living, health insurance, labor economics. Yikes, I sound like a communist, reading about these things. Don't tell McCarthy, who's name I also found. starting with spelling his name, and learning his first name, Joseph McCarthy. Hmmm. Born in Appleton Wisconsin. Hmmm. What would crime have to do with socioeconomic issues? I think I could spend a lot of time here and not get very far. It looks like finance brings up the ideas I would normally think of.
Next week Recreation. Yeuch.
7. Frankly I'm glad to move on to the ideas for next week. However, I shall choose the area I know least of all about and don't really look forward to. Imagine listing recreation as a top level idea. I suppose we all call a lot of our time recreational, and I did find at least some interests that I have. I think I shall choose my very worst area, though… Sports. That shall prove to be a miserable week!
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