
Britannica 2005 Plans

I find myself to be madly in love with Britannica 2005. It has a brain for brainstorming that is much more versatile, fun, and intuitive than ever before. I'm glad that it has the same 10 parts for being well rounded, but it's also eminently interesting to start with any topic. I'm not promising I'll stick with the 10 parts. Do I have to be that well rounded? Everyone thinks I know nothing, so I should surely not have to know everything. Anyway, This week it's the Arts, beginning at the top. Also, it's so easy to move from one idea to another and I shall be moving around a lot more, depending on whims. The text reader increases the odds of learning, but I sure wish I had a brain! Wait a moment. I HAVE a brain. I shall tell you about it, probably on the next post.


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