
Iraq: The War Card - The Center for Public Integrity


Iraq: The War Card - The Center for Public Integrity


The BRAD BLOG : Dem Leaders Put Contempt Citations on Hold; Kucinich Prepares for Bush Impeachment on 'State of the Union' Day...


The BRAD BLOG : Dem Leaders Put Contempt Citations on Hold; Kucinich Prepares for Bush Impeachment on 'State of the Union' Day...


Philosophy of Education, Britannica, 3rd distillation

I was just trying to speed read a topic I've studied before at 600 wpm and I just got inspired.  Let's see if I can do this...

  1. All the experiences that happen to a person throughout life.
  2. Humans learn complex rather than simple.
  3. Feelings respected as well as his intellect.
It worked! Notes from MSOnenote



1987 Mortimer J. Adler On The Constitution

I hope this will work.  Very long, very difficult, Dr. Adler became harder to understand as he got older, but exceedingly rewarding