
Facets, Moments Later

I just up and bought all 4 Phillip Glass works (I don't know if they really are opera, they are unique to the earth) and in a few days I shall own them. If you know the value of things, and live near enough to me (oops, that's right no one local is reading this blog) ... If you know the value of things and live near enough to me, I would expect you to want to see them. Remember, I also have theatre sound.

Another Facets DVD

I sure have been ordering some weird assed DVDs from Factets. The last several installments take as long for me to learn just the titles. Doesn't sound like channel 7 at all. Capriccio, Satyagraha, Kundun, and now "sounds like" Kunyadiscratsi. I put it on right now, and must say that I can already see that it will take my afternoon away. I wonder if it's Phillip Glass again. Oh, I can check... Yup, Philip Glass Koyaanisqatsi/Powaqqatsi That has to be one tough dude! I already can hardly stand it, and it's still opening, maybe the prelude... where in the heck on this planet are we! OMG. No doubt about it. Philip Glass is my new hero. Wherever we are, it makes the Grand Canyon look small. Unbelievable in both music and video. No doubt about it, I have a new hero. I will have to buy all 3 DVDs.


Do you have any idea of the size of the article on endocrinology in Britannica? It's gargantuan. That's where cortizol, diabetis, and a millian health problems happen, did you know? Vewwy interesting, really.

Changes to this blog

I believe I shall switch from weekly archives and posts to monthley. No fast law, but daily upkeep could become tedious. I really don't think it is yet, but before I get tired out,... weekly posts rather than daily shall become more normal. The same shall apply to pictures. weekly updates should be plenty, even though I'm working on a bit of a history right now.


Picture Page

Picture Page
I've added some more pictures this week, and also some reptile creature pictures.


Masterpieces, Masters, and the Now

The more time passes, the easier it is to guess who has produced Masterpieces. We can guess that Stravinsky and Picasso were Masters, but they are both dead. As I've been thinking about Lord of the Rings, I've come to guess that all three parts are Masterpieces. However, I'm so thankful to Facets of Chicago (earlier post) I've come to think that another surpasses them. Both Phillip Glass's "opera?" DVD, Satyagraha and the DVD, Kundun have surpassed them completely, in my estimation. I know that he wrote music for another DVD, which I expect to post on in the near future. Stay tuned for more.

Crazy People

Crazy people have a great advantage. They are not expected to be like others.

Photo Blogs, Boring Stuff Cont.

The photo blogs on HP are crappy. I quit. What I'll do now is have a picture of the week. In both blogs. I'll make a page of favorites in my website in stead,... when I get that far.

Toro tractor will prove to be worth it to me. I love it, and am beginning to get good at it. Remember, it's the big bucks, though. A+ landscapers are cutting some dangerous box elder tree branches, and some other trimming which made three LARGE truckloads of branches. Bottom branches of box elders seem to grow parallel with the ground.


Riding like the wind Posted by Hello



By the Way, as top level topics in Britannica are the very basics of learning, lest you should think this stuff has nothing to do with you, you're wrong. (fun to say, I should say "you're wrong" a little more often. I have the qualifications to say it now and then). These are the basic human branches, and if you don't know about them, you're not a basic human, me thinks. This could be a fun way for any human to get a sense of the basics. As I've already said, the reality of TV is at an exceptionally low ebbb, of this I am most confident.

Technology, I remember...

Oh, now I remember, technology is the man made part of everything around us. And, there is a legitimate fear that we are trying to annihilate nature.


I was studying economics a bit over time, once I started catching on. That's a very desirable outcome.... When I know enough to be able to branch out from the top (germinal) level. I think I already said that Britannica's Knowledge Navigator has 10 germinal (top) level topics. These are the ones I want to get a handle on.

Technology is another that I don't have a basic sense of. I seem to be off my weekly idea. That's fine. Now, on to Technology.


Barnes and Noble Study

A couple of times a week I take my segway to Barnes and Nobles Coffee shop and read or visit, or just look. The last couple of years I kept a Gateway to the Great Books book on Philosophy. I've recently exchanged it for the volume on Nature and Science. At this moment I'm reading about the discovery of radium by Marie (isn't she Eve??) madam Curie. It's a great deal more interesting than I would think. I'm just reading articles at will. The time isn't wasted at all. Invisible people?


More Unmentionables

No, we're not planning on talking about sex yet. Maybe some day. That will surely be something. No, we're going to mention the unmentionable word 'study' again. You do realize that I'm trying to encourage or force you to study by now, don't you? In the event that you catch on, I shall warn you that people will not like you if you know more than them. You will notice that people will do all sorts of things to tell you that in no uncertain terms, they are smarter than you. The best cure for that is to act dumb. Dumbness will almost always help you get along. My mother was very good at it and taught me that. I know another cure, but I haven't figured out how to pull that off where I live. 'no difference, I have the computer, my best friend! What is that help you say? I answer that it is to be careful who you hang out with, but again, I haven't quite figured that one out. I consider things, but don't follow through. My life is too comfortable, and I do have a major disease, even though I don't look like it, you know"

Michael Moore's Triple Insult

I'ts hardly a surprise to figure out what is wrong with Michael Moore. First he Insults common sense by telling people that guns are not good things (they aren't good things). Then he insults American's everywhere by calling them Stupid White Men. (all too true). Third, he Tells us that going into Iraq was a selfish and very evil thing to do. Right again. I think I should like to hang out with him, even though he could use a makeover. "

Reference Library

The Britannica Suite includes two more encyclopedias. The elementary encyclopedia and the student encyclopedia. I believe I suggested that I did not learn much on economics from Britannica. I was listening to the Britannica encyclopedia as I usually do, tending to things around the house, and there was really nothing that stuck in my memory. I should have realized, as I know very little about economics, that I did not have a basic grasp of the word. I can loudly say, although I would never loudly say that all the great insights that anyone's neighbors have on economics is in the elementary article. This is the level that people live on. Should you be surprised? How I would love to meet a grade school student who studies the elementary encyclopedia! I suspect that I will possibly never know more than the elementary article, which will be, it estimate, four times more than any normal adult. I shall now go on to dabble a bit into the student encyclopedia. I shall be quite well informed if I learn anything. Maybe someday I'll be able to dabble into the regular encyclopedia? How much there is to learn! "

Boring Stuff

Getting the HP photoblogs has wasted a lot of time, but the creepy, crawly photos will soon be open to view. If you plan on getting a zero radius lawn more, I hope you are ready to feel like a fool, how long, I don't know yet. It makes lots of good laughs, though, I hope no problems. I'm thinking that the local fox has killed one of my pigeons even before dark. I printed a really nice Giant silk moth print. It looks like an expensive print, just because it's so nice. The weather is pleasant. Brother Bruce saved me from not knowing what to do when I burned out the tractor. I am assuming Curtis' baby is fine, all of Great Grandma Diana's babies are fine. I printed Julia's picture. Faye is planning nature photo ops. "


Weeks Study

You know, I never did get much of an idea while I was studying economics and I do know that, although not typically spoken, everyone spends their entire time thinking about wealth. Because I learned so little in a week's study, I decided to go to Britannica's Elementary and Student encyclopedias, and find them to be very readable. I spend all my time thinking about getting rich, just as long as it's MORE. No other considerations, or learnings. This week may help me more.


Photo Blog started



It's about time I figured out my HP picture album, because it will work better than pictures here. I'll get to it one of these days.

unmentionables 2

I'm thinking that my unmentionables topic is a good idea. It shall continue to be for those things that would not work into local conversation, yet, should anyone wish, they can find out those things that count most to me, even though they would not work in a conversation. I shall continue to keep the thread alive once or twice a week. Of course, all my posts continue to be mostly for my invisible community.



No, I'm not talking about sex. I am talking about some unmentionable topics, how ever. Things like the intellect, study, the artistic, the natural, religion, politics, study, as well as an assortment of many other topics. These are all quite unmentionable. If you have an eye for these topics, I am planning on making at least one unmentionable post per week. If you tell others that Tom is talking about unmentionable things, that's perfectly OK with me. I don't care. I shall always include the Word unmentionable in the topic when I do these things.



hpphoto.com: Number One First Photo Attempt

hpphoto.com: Number One

Pictures from Here On

Along with my HP printer came free and easy publishing of pictures. I shall soon see how free and easy it is. A disadvantage to putting pictures here is that they get buried, and they are so much easier for catching up than reading. I'll post the address as soon as I get this going.

3 Computer things

There is still no slowdown in the speed at which computers are evolving yet. This week I added an email reader, making very little reading necessary on the computer. I believe the computer is not comfortable for reading and have been using a text reader for years. Setting up the computer to read email while sitting, napping, or working as very much a plus. Now I can get to all my emails. I was missing way too much lately.

Another add on is the Trillian Chat program, it's only advantage is that it chats with all the other programs. My Yahoo friends, MSN most of the family, ICQ, IRC, AOL friends. Yes, I have AOL friends.

Yet another purchase is an HP combination printer, photocopier, and scanner of superb quality. And only 99$. I don't use much paper, but this goes beyond paper. I recently sent IL governor Blagovetchisnowski, Mayer, etc. In Red ink. Well, maybe that was good.


3 Computer Add owns

Wonderful. This computer stuff is by no means beginning to slow down. Purchased are, an Email reader, I hope nextup.com will make one as this one is pretty crappy in ways. With the program, I do read all my emails, which is very worth it's worth, even if the program is rather crappy.

Another update is the Trillian chat program, I guess some people run 3 0r 4 chat programs. So much nice to chat all in one program. If you Chat, go to my website to get my various email chat names. I keep Trillian pretty much always on and will reply when I find time. If you want instant reply, tell me.

Third, but not least, A HP printer, scanner, and photocopy all in one hardware. I recommend that you break something now and then, just to get the newer version. Also, the software is so fantastic. Anything on line, Oh, & only 99 bucks. Amazing. I now can manage my paper and pictures!

I shall move my pictures to a place where HP will store photo albums. I never liked that they pictures in a blog disappear as new posts get made. More news later on that.

3 Parties

Well, that certainly is good timing. Three parties for the price of one. I only had to bulldoze my house once. I enjoyed my 3 sisters completely, A very enjoyable afternoon as far as I'm concerned. It would be funny to say I like Della and Susan, but I hate Mayvous (fake names). I'll have to try that for a joke some day.

Then I had a fire Bush party --with Michael Moore no less. One element of that party was to see a map of the US, with parties, total people, people per party change as the evening went on. I wish I had written the noes, we thought they were impressive. It's hard to believe that the figures can be that impressive, and still not change the rassmeson pole. I don't get it and can only hope that they are as false as the election votes will be. Bush is sure to come up a lot this summer yet.

Then I had the bird club meeting, which was really a thrill, as with the work I put into my creatures, I really enjoyed people who also enjoy them. No shortage of stuff to talk about!