
I Forgot to Mention

I just noticed that the last few entries don't mention the source of my recent struggles. A best friend of mine is indeed moving to Canada, Southern Ontario, and this has caused an upheaval in my thought. Could I move to Canada? Surely it would have to be after November, because of the importance of voting, then winter would be here, but what about next spring? I fear there would be too many problems. Insurance for an implant? All the money and love I've put into my little house? My love of the natural items in the area? I think that's enough to stop me, but if I'm tempted to think about it before next spring or after, I shall not try to stop myself.

Invisible Development

I'm thinking that it should be more important for me to be invisible in this country than my audience. The invisible communicating with the invisible might indeed be the best rout to take. It's been done since the beginning of man, and I shall endeavor to join those ranks. A worthy project, I think.



Today I looked up the word Imperialism, only to find that it is the word I was looking for to describe one of Bush's many nefarious attitudes --One that I believe many of us are unconscious or barely conscious of. How else can it be explained that almost every day more news breaks of Bush's horridness, only to make him more popular the next day?


Invisible Audience, Invisible Society

in full Royal Society Of London For The Promotion Of Natural Knowledge, the oldest scientific society in Great Britain and one of the oldest in Europe, founded in 1660. It began earlier with small, informal groups, who met periodically to discuss scientific subjects. The “Invisible College” of London and Oxford, which first met in 1645,

Britannica Considerations

I'm thinking that you can be relieved from weekly Britannica study. I think that redigesting weekly work here would soon get stale. Not only that, but if you want to learn these things, go to Britannica yourself! I don't expect popular demand to be too high, so we will quit this, as soon as I finish touching on the main 10 parts. (already mixed up on how I've organized it. Britannica is the best bargain you will ever find in your entire life if you purchase it, and that would be the only way to go. I think I can still come up with monthly touch ups, so we all can know that I'm still studying, being the elitist that I am.

Let's see, I did The Arts, Economics, Science and Nature, The Earth and Geography (I think), Recreation and Leisure (not, but the brain is interesting) Ideas and Abstract Thought, Did we do the Human Body and Health? I have studied there, I've done the Mind and Emotions, Society, Technology, and the Mind and Emotions by myself, so, that's it! More or less.

I think we have lots of Brain Talk, but that's enough on the Knowledge Base (as it's now called, used to be Propaedia, Outline, Knowledge navigator, now called Knowledge Base).

I'm sure Britannica will be still mentioned, but you can for now just know that I'm continuing study forever until I give out.


Recreation and Leisure

I still can't figure out why Recreation and leisure are considered top level knowledge. I can say the brain was interesting, but I don't think I want to do a lot of reading. Although, I'm expert at pets, fine art, nature hiking (when I could) collecting some things, so I'm not averse to all these things, I kind of wish there was a topic on recreation and leisure, I can't even sort out the difference between the two words, but I can live without it. Next brain is on society, I have been spending quite a bit of time there, so I'll decide later which topics I'll bounce around with. Education is very good, I think I'll think about that next week.


Studying Versus Learning

I should be most happy to simply listen to a lot of Britannica articles, or Britannica brain, but I would be most aware that the articles are much too difficult for casual reading. For example, I've been listening to Paul, my text reader, reading an article on government that I saved ages ago. The article is really very long and very interesting. How ever, all I have learned that I can recall is that I saved the article. I wish I could learned fast enough to retain and learn a great deal, but I know I'm not actually learning that stuff. In fact, the article is so difficult that I can not even simply play it and be reminded. I find it necessary to go into the text reader and make all kinds of Notes which I trust and hope will help me learn. This MAY be related to age, or at least exasperated by it, but I believe that my intelligence (yes, my IQ is significantly above normal according to Mensa)... that my intelligence is the product of hard work and that it wasn't simply given to me. In fact, I should like to snobbishly look down on people that have been given high IQs and have never use them :-).