Regarding Study
I've been aware that explaining WHAT I'm studying is likely to bore my invisible guests. Each person is likely to study other things, with such a big world, and usually it does not make an interesting post. However, HOW I study might prove to be interesting, especially as the computer is so new to reach average people. The time is here and I'm not sure many people are realizing it. TV and Radio had this potential and it has not been realized, one reason being that it has been realized to cater to listeners rather than lead them. This is especially true of TV. The material profit margin has secured that TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines as places least likely to help mankind. Oh, not to mention that they create a really cheap reality out there. The vastness of the internet, and the ways to use it for study will make it ever the excellent place to study... MUCH more so than the library tried to be. This hasn't been helped by interest in profit. Those people interested in material profit are not here. Invisible or otherwise, they are not expected to be here. (One reason for moving to Canada). If you, invisible or not, are stopping in, I think you might want to continue, at least to peek around. It is still likely that you might find your self coming by again. Visible people are enjoyable, by the way, but so many don't have time to study. I'd say, stop by anyway.
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