
A Comment on Study

I have been noticing some real evidence on study, which I bet does apply to everyone to some degree The top lever topics, this time Philosophy of Nature, has been a tough one to digest. I've learned that repetition really can help. The topic was originally gibberish, which is where the average person signs off. However, I have my study organized in a way to keep picking away at these top level topics. Through simple repetiton after a rest, the topic has come to be more and more interesting. I just notice that I've repeated the intro. often enough that I could comprehend the main points. After that, continuing to read the topic has been most interesting. Now that whole area has become most interesting reading, and I feel like that whole area has been opened to me. That is very tangible, real evidence that even old people can make progress! Yea!


PG continues to Evoke Thought.

Another thought on the Philip Glass Trilogy is that the shock and horror, oops, Awe, that I've mentioned is much more a comment on what we're doing with technology than what technology could be. That would mean that there still is room for us to clean up our act. The jury isn't in yet.

O, lord, a new thought. It is that America's present attitude HAS to be shattered, probably quite rudely, at that. There MUST be a world shake up AND America MUST regroup. It probably will be quite painful to go through, I'm thinking. You know, that gives me more of a sense of peace, at least for now. Gird your loins.

Chief Joseph Quote updated

My new email signature: No more politics. Hear me, my chiefs, I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever -- maybe. -- Well, maybe I will. -- Chief Joseph

Hi Fi 2000

Sound did not stop improving in 1970. I'm finally having to replace parts of my set, and it's thrilling. I get so distracted that I forget appointments. DVD audio is sensational, and there is also SA CD which I must today purchase one of. I'm just thrilled with the new equipment.


My Heart is Sick and Sad

No more politics. Hear me, my chiefs, I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever -- maybe. -- Chief Joseph



Philip Glass' Naqoyqatsi (or the 2 previous related DVDs) have not done much to help me invision a better future. It's described as beautiful and prophetic, but it fills me with fear and dread. For one thing, Naqoyqatsi, a Hopi word refers to life as war. It's not fiction, yet is seems fictitious. A hint for me on the jacket says that America is test-driving the future. It gives me the overwhelming impression that we have become a world, not a country, and that we are not doing very well. The news every day is telling me the same thing, so I don't think Phillip is far off. Another implication of the Hopi word is, "kill many people". It's undeniable in the DVD, and it's also in the news. He also has a clip of Bin Laden from the mid 90s -- Did he know a lot more than our president? Still, the future is not here. Can it be fixed?


Regarding Study

I've been aware that explaining WHAT I'm studying is likely to bore my invisible guests. Each person is likely to study other things, with such a big world, and usually it does not make an interesting post. However, HOW I study might prove to be interesting, especially as the computer is so new to reach average people. The time is here and I'm not sure many people are realizing it. TV and Radio had this potential and it has not been realized, one reason being that it has been realized to cater to listeners rather than lead them. This is especially true of TV. The material profit margin has secured that TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines as places least likely to help mankind. Oh, not to mention that they create a really cheap reality out there. The vastness of the internet, and the ways to use it for study will make it ever the excellent place to study... MUCH more so than the library tried to be. This hasn't been helped by interest in profit. Those people interested in material profit are not here. Invisible or otherwise, they are not expected to be here. (One reason for moving to Canada). If you, invisible or not, are stopping in, I think you might want to continue, at least to peek around. It is still likely that you might find your self coming by again. Visible people are enjoyable, by the way, but so many don't have time to study. I'd say, stop by anyway.

Life Changes

Oh, oh, this went to the wrong blog.

Although I mentioned and thought of moving to Canada, I know that I shouldn't really do it, and furthermore, I have some ideas that will make everything OK. For one thing, there is a chance for change in America's leadership, so wait until Nov! I also thought of some things which will make everything bright and OK. One is to change my sun porch into rather a green house. More importantly, to throw myself into my studies all the more. Whey, I don't know why, other than that it will make everything OK. Planning on visiting during the winter months? If you want to sit in the sun porch don't bring anyone with you. Other than my Driegon or Rosemary (Good heavens I haven't mentioned Rosemary yet!) there will MAYBE be room for one guest. I can bloom African violets, begonias, orchids, and coleus, most of which will go back out nest summer.

How do I know study will help me, I already know that, as I've been moving in that direction all along. It's only realizing it and it has helped me all along. The only change is in implementing it with more intention and using it in a way co correct my thinking that will give my self more of a sense of purpose. There is yet so much that can be done. I will be fine.


About My Cousin, Darla

I think that my Cousin, actually my cousin's daughter, Darla should have an entry all by herself into this blog. All ready several years ago, when I met her, I could only think that we are somehow cosmically connected. How many cousins in this world have independently come to collect Fox snakes, night blooming Cerous/sp, as well as a much larger assortment of plants and animals, as well as other interesting things. There is no logical connection between us that can account for this. This stuff is far removed from family history as far as I can possibly imagine. Parallel evolution? I think not :-)

At any rate, I have been very proud of her since the moment I met her -- teaching at the University of Wisconsin Marathon County extension. It was a really cool memory and has developed into a true appreciation.

Some place along the way, Darla interested me and a project that she had begun undertaking which is soon to become the Monk Gardens -- a 19 acre botanical Garden right here in Wausau which will become though only and enabling Garden in Wisconsin. Wisconsin has a list of excellent public Gardens, but this is sure to become the best of all of them (prejudiced opinion?) As well as the only Garden specifically designed to be hands on and entirely accessible to the handicapped.

The story of how this became is worthy of a most interesting entry all of its own, but I shall skip it here. As I am intimately interested, I may very well and more entries on the topic as this comes into being.

Right on Darla!!!!